// ************************************************************************** //
//                                                                            //
//    eses                   eses                                             //
//   eses                     eses                                            //
//  eses    eseses  esesese    eses   Embedded Systems Group                  //
//  ese    ese  ese ese         ese                                           //
//  ese    eseseses eseseses    ese   Department of Computer Science          //
//  eses   eses          ese   eses                                           //
//   eses   eseses  eseseses  eses    University of Kaiserslautern            //
//    eses                   eses                                             //
//                                                                            //
// ************************************************************************** //
// This module implements a simple main memory with a cache memory on top.    //
// The cache memory can be parameterized in terms of the size of its cache    //
// lines, the number of cache lines, the set associativity, and a penalty     //
// for cache misses, while hits are performed in zero time.                   //
// The memory protocol is as follows:                                         //
//  (1) CPU must apply for memory access by emitting reqMem until the memory  //
//      grants access by emitting ackMem                                      //
//  (2) After that, the CPU writes adrMem, the signals readMem and writeMem   //
//      and in case of a store also dataMem until the memory has processed    //
//      the transaction which is signaled by the memory using doneMem.        //
//  (3) In case of a load instruction, the memory writes dataMem at the point //
//      of time, where dataMem holds.                                         //
// ************************************************************************** //

macro DataWidth   =  8;     // bit-width of registers, i.e. data words
macro MemSize     = 10;     // size of main memory in words, i.e. bv{DataWidth}
macro NumOfLines  =  2;     // number of cache lines
macro LineSize    =  2;     // size of cache lines in words, i.e. bv{DataWidth}
macro SetAssoc    =  2;     // set associativity
macro MissPenalty =  2;     // additional time penalty for cache misses

macro DivUp(n,m) = ((n-1)/m)+1; // compute n/m, but round towards infinity
macro CacheSize  = NumOfLines * SetAssoc * LineSize;
macro LinesInMem = DivUp(MemSize,LineSize);
macro TagSize    = DivUp(LinesInMem,NumOfLines);
macro LineIdRng  = MemSize % NumOfLines;

module CachedMemory(nat ?adrMem,event bv{DataWidth} dataMem,
                    event ?readMem,?writeMem,?reqMem,!ackMem,!doneMem){
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // the following local variables define the cached memory:
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    [NumOfLines][SetAssoc]bool valid;
    [NumOfLines][SetAssoc]nat{TagSize} tagC;
    [NumOfLines][SetAssoc][LineSize]bv{DataWidth} lineC;
    [MemSize]bv{DataWidth} Mem;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // the following auxiliary variables are used:
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    nat{LinesInMem} lineAdr;    // line address of word
    nat{LineSize} adrInL;       // address of word in line
    nat{TagSize} tag;           // expected tag of the line 
    nat{NumOfLines} line;       // index of line if in cache
    nat{SetAssoc} set;          // set index in case of hit
    event hit,free;             // true if word is in cache
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // and here comes the behavior
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    loop {
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // wait one cycle for next instruction
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        waitInstr: pause;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // wait until a memory request appears, and immediately acknowledge
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        memWait: immediate await(reqMem);
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // next check whether entire cache shall be written back or whether
        // a load/store instruction shall be performed
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        if(readMem & writeMem) {
            // write back entire content of cache memory,
            // we assume that one line can be written per cycle
                for(s=0..SetAssoc-1) {
                    next(valid[l][s]) = false;
                    let(adrOffset = (tagC[l][s] * NumOfLines + l) * LineSize)
                            next(Mem[adrOffset+i]) = lineC[l][s][i];
                    flush: pause;
       } else if(readMem | writeMem) {
            // first determine index and tag of the cached line and the position in the line
            lineAdr = adrMem / LineSize;    // line number of the requested word
            adrInL  = adrMem % LineSize;    // address of the word in its line
            tag     = lineAdr / NumOfLines; // expected tag of the cached line
            line    = lineAdr % NumOfLines; // index of the addressed line in cache

            // test whether a set contains the requested line in a valid state
                if(tagC[line][s]==tag & valid[line][s]) {
                    set = s;
                    hit = true;
            if(hit) {
                // in case of cache hit, we immediately transfer data from/to cache
                    dataMem = lineC[line][set][adrInL];
                    lineC[line][set][adrInL] = dataMem;
            } else {
                // in case of cache miss, the line has to be transferred from memory
                // first, find a free set or make one free
                if(!valid[line][0]) {
                    set = 0;
                } else {
                        if(valid[line][s-1] & !valid[line][s]) {
                            set = s;
                // if no line in the set is free, we write back the line in set 0,
                // shift all cache lines to the left, so that line SetAssoc-1 is free
                if(!free) {
                    let(adrOffset = (tagC[line][0] * NumOfLines + line) * LineSize)
                            next(Mem[adrOffset+i]) = lineC[line][0][i];
                    for(s=1..SetAssoc-1) {
                        next(valid[line][s-1]) = valid[line][s];
                        next(tagC[line][s-1])  = tagC[line][s];
                        next(lineC[line][s-1]) = lineC[line][s];
                    set = SetAssoc-1;
                    missLoc: pause;
                // now, we read in the cache line from memory
                next(valid[line][set]) = true;
                next(tagC[line][set]) = tag;
                    next(lineC[line][set][i]) = Mem[lineAdr*LineSize+i];
                readIn: pause;
                // due to cache miss, additional time is consumed
                for(i=1..MissPenalty) penality: pause;
                // finally, perform data transfer to bus
                    next(dataMem) = lineC[line][set][adrInL];
                    next(lineC[line][set][adrInL]) = dataMem;
                transfer: pause;