
Global Module

Module Global contains some general definitions.


Type Description


ExternalException is raised if the input given by the user is not valid


InternalException is raised if the a function failed due to a bug


TodoException is raised if a partially implemented function is called

Functions and values

Function or value Description


Full Usage: AverestVersion

Returns: Version

current version of Averest consisting of Major.Minor.Build.Revision

Returns: Version


Full Usage: AverestVersionString

Returns: string

current version of Averest as string like "" (see AverestVersion)

Returns: string

CheckAssert c s

Full Usage: CheckAssert c s

    c : bool
    s : string

CheckAssert c s raises InternalError(s) if c holds and is void otherwise.

c : bool
s : string

Combinations n k

Full Usage: Combinations n k

    n : int
    k : int

Returns: Set<Set<int>>

enumerate all binom(n,k) subsets of k elements chosen from set {0..n-1}

n : int
k : int
Returns: Set<Set<int>>

ExternalError s

Full Usage: ExternalError s

    s : string

Returns: 'a

ExternalError simply raises ExternalException with string s

s : string
Returns: 'a

ExternalErrorPrn prn

Full Usage: ExternalErrorPrn prn

Returns: 'a

ExternalError simply raises ExternalException with string s

prn : Printer
Returns: 'a

FoldBalanced binOp mtVal eL

Full Usage: FoldBalanced binOp mtVal eL

    binOp : 'a * 'a -> 'a
    mtVal : 'a
    eL : seq<'a>

Returns: 'a

arrange the elements of a sequence eL as leaf nodes of a binary tree whose nodes apply the given associative binary operation binOp; if the sequence is empty, the value mtVal is returned

binOp : 'a * 'a -> 'a
mtVal : 'a
eL : seq<'a>
Returns: 'a

HandleException fn

Full Usage: HandleException fn

    fn : unit -> 'a

Returns: 'a

fn : unit -> 'a
Returns: 'a

InternalError s

Full Usage: InternalError s

    s : string

Returns: 'a

InternalError simply raises InternalException with string s

s : string
Returns: 'a


Full Usage: NumCulture

Returns: NumberFormatInfo

Returns: NumberFormatInfo

ParallelPrefixBrKu binOp eL

Full Usage: ParallelPrefixBrKu binOp eL

    binOp : 'a * 'a -> 'a
    eL : seq<'a>

Returns: seq<'a>

Parallel prefix computation by Brent and Kung [BrKu82]: Given a sequence eL and an associative binary operation binOP, this function computes the sequence whose elements are binOP(eL[0..i]) which is done with 2n-log(n)-2 operations and depth 2log(n)-2.

binOp : 'a * 'a -> 'a
eL : seq<'a>
Returns: seq<'a>

ParallelPrefixKoSt binOp eL

Full Usage: ParallelPrefixKoSt binOp eL

    binOp : 'a * 'a -> 'a
    eL : seq<'a>

Returns: seq<'a>

Parallel prefix computation by Kogge and Stone [KoSt73]: Given a sequence eL and an associative binary operation binOP, this function computes the sequence whose elements are binOP(eL[0..i]) which is done with n*log(n)-n+1 operations and depth log(n).

binOp : 'a * 'a -> 'a
eL : seq<'a>
Returns: seq<'a>

ParallelPrefixLaFi k binOp eL

Full Usage: ParallelPrefixLaFi k binOp eL

    k : int
    binOp : 'a * 'a -> 'a
    eL : seq<'a>

Returns: seq<'a>

Parallel prefix computation by Ladner and Fischer [LaFi80]: Given a sequence eL and an associative binary operation binOP, this function computes the sequence whose elements are binOP(eL[0..i]) which is done with O(n*log(n)) operations and depth log(n). The idea of Ladner and Fischer is to combine the divide-and-conquer approach of Sklansky with the Brent-Kung construction. Sklansky's prefix tree has a depth of only log(n) while Brent-Kung has size 2*log(n)-2. The parameter k provided to the Ladner-Fischer prefix tree denotes the number of additional steps on top of the minimal number log(n) to reduce the size down to the minimal size of Brent-Kung. For k>=log(n), we obtain the Brent-Kung prefix tree, otherwise, it is a k+log(n) depth prefix tree with size O(n*log(n)) for small k, in particular, for k=0,and is of size O(n) for larger k, in particular for k=log(n)-2 which is Brent-Kung.

k : int
binOp : 'a * 'a -> 'a
eL : seq<'a>
Returns: seq<'a>

ParallelPrefixSkla binOp eL

Full Usage: ParallelPrefixSkla binOp eL

    binOp : 'a * 'a -> 'a
    eL : seq<'a>

Returns: seq<'a>

Parallel prefix computation by Sklansky (1960): Given a sequence eL and an associative binary operation binOP, this function computes the sequence whose elements are binOP(eL[0..i]) which is done with O(n*log(n)) operations and depth log(n).

binOp : 'a * 'a -> 'a
eL : seq<'a>
Returns: seq<'a>

PartialPermutations n

Full Usage: PartialPermutations n

    n : int

Returns: int option[][]

enumerate all partial permutations on n objects: Note that the number of partial permutations of n objects is given as sum_{i=0}^{n} i!*binom(n,i)^2: If i is the number of non-hole entries, we first choose i of the n objects (binom(n,i) choices), then we choose i of the n indices in the vector for these objects (again binom(n,i) choices), and finally consider the i! permutations of these objects in these indices (see function Global.PartialPermutations).

n : int
Returns: int option[][]

Permutations n

Full Usage: Permutations n

    n : int

Returns: int[][]

enumerate all permutations of n objects as an array of arrays on {0..n-1}

n : int
Returns: int[][]


Full Usage: TODO s

    s : string

Returns: 'a

TODO simply raises TodoException with string s

s : string
Returns: 'a

Tupels n k

Full Usage: Tupels n k

    n : int
    k : int

Returns: int list list

enumerate all n^k tuples of elements [0..n-1]

n : int
k : int
Returns: int list list