
RandomGenerator Module

This module implements

Functions and values

Function or value Description

IntuitionisticLogic2CTL phi

Full Usage: IntuitionisticLogic2CTL phi

Returns: SpecExpr

translation of intuitionistic logic formulas to equivalent CTL formulas

phi : BoolExpr
Returns: SpecExpr

PrintTeachingToolKripke ostr kripke

Full Usage: PrintTeachingToolKripke ostr kripke


print teaching tool input for a given Kripke structure

ostr : TextWriter
kripke : KripkeStructureExpl

PrintTeachingToolParityGame ostr pg

Full Usage: PrintTeachingToolParityGame ostr pg


print teaching tool input for a given parity game

ostr : TextWriter
pg : ParityGame

RandomAutomataDeterminizationExamples rand inVars stVars stLen trLen numProblems

Full Usage: RandomAutomataDeterminizationExamples rand inVars stVars stLen trLen numProblems

    rand : Random
    inVars : string list
    stVars : string list
    stLen : int
    trLen : int
    numProblems : int

generate random symbolic representations of automata and determinize them

rand : Random
inVars : string list
stVars : string list
stLen : int
trLen : int
numProblems : int

RandomBddAlgorithmExamples rand varL numOps numProblems

Full Usage: RandomBddAlgorithmExamples rand varL numOps numProblems

    rand : Random
    varL : string list
    numOps : int
    numProblems : int

generate a Latex file for BDD algorithm example computations

rand : Random
varL : string list
numOps : int
numProblems : int

RandomCTL rand varL length

Full Usage: RandomCTL rand varL length

    rand : Random
    varL : seq<string>
    length : int

Returns: SpecExpr

generate a random CTL formula

rand : Random
varL : seq<string>
length : int
Returns: SpecExpr

RandomFutureLTL rand varL length

Full Usage: RandomFutureLTL rand varL length

    rand : Random
    varL : string[]
    length : int

Returns: SpecExpr

generate a random LTL formula with only future operators

rand : Random
varL : string[]
length : int
Returns: SpecExpr

RandomFutureLTLwithoutPropLogic rand varL length

Full Usage: RandomFutureLTLwithoutPropLogic rand varL length

    rand : Random
    varL : string[]
    length : int

Returns: SpecExpr

generate a random future LTL formula without propositional logic

rand : Random
varL : string[]
length : int
Returns: SpecExpr

RandomGeneratorTool qscoll

Full Usage: RandomGeneratorTool qscoll


teaching tool to be called by the cgi-interface

qscoll : NameValueCollection

RandomKripkeStructure trProb rand varL numStates

Full Usage: RandomKripkeStructure trProb rand varL numStates

    trProb : float
    rand : Random
    varL : seq<string>
    numStates : int

Returns: KripkeStructureExpl

generate a random Kripke structure

trProb : float
rand : Random
varL : seq<string>
numStates : int
Returns: KripkeStructureExpl

RandomLinearInequalities rand withInt numEqs numVars maxCoeff numProblems maxSteps

Full Usage: RandomLinearInequalities rand withInt numEqs numVars maxCoeff numProblems maxSteps

    rand : Random
    withInt : bool
    numEqs : int
    numVars : int
    maxCoeff : int
    numProblems : int
    maxSteps : 'a

rand : Random
withInt : bool
numEqs : int
numVars : int
maxCoeff : int
numProblems : int
maxSteps : 'a

RandomModelCheckingExamples trProb rand varL numStates numProblems

Full Usage: RandomModelCheckingExamples trProb rand varL numStates numProblems

    trProb : float
    rand : Random
    varL : seq<string>
    numStates : int
    numProblems : int

generate a Latex file of CTL model checking problems

trProb : float
rand : Random
varL : seq<string>
numStates : int
numProblems : int

RandomParityGame trProb rand maxRank numStates

Full Usage: RandomParityGame trProb rand maxRank numStates

    trProb : float
    rand : Random
    maxRank : int
    numStates : int

Returns: ParityGame

generate a random Parity game

trProb : float
rand : Random
maxRank : int
numStates : int
Returns: ParityGame

RandomParityGameSolutions trProb rand maxRank numStates numProblems

Full Usage: RandomParityGameSolutions trProb rand maxRank numStates numProblems

    trProb : float
    rand : Random
    maxRank : int
    numStates : int
    numProblems : int

trProb : float
rand : Random
maxRank : int
numStates : int
numProblems : int

RandomPastLTL rand varL length

Full Usage: RandomPastLTL rand varL length

    rand : Random
    varL : string[]
    length : int

Returns: SpecExpr

generate a random LTL formula with past operators

rand : Random
varL : string[]
length : int
Returns: SpecExpr

RandomPropLogic rand varL length

Full Usage: RandomPropLogic rand varL length

Returns: BoolExpr
rand : Random
varL : BoolExpr[]
length : int
Returns: BoolExpr

RandomPropLogicExamples rand varL numOps numProblems

Full Usage: RandomPropLogicExamples rand varL numOps numProblems

    rand : Random
    varL : seq<string>
    numOps : int
    numProblems : int

generate a Latex file for BDD/FDD/ZDD conversions and SAT Solving

rand : Random
varL : seq<string>
numOps : int
numProblems : int

RandomPropLogicHilbert rand varL length

Full Usage: RandomPropLogicHilbert rand varL length

Returns: BoolExpr
rand : Random
varL : BoolExpr[]
length : int
Returns: BoolExpr

RandomSatLTL rand withDet varL length numProblems

Full Usage: RandomSatLTL rand withDet varL length numProblems

    rand : Random
    withDet : bool
    varL : string[]
    length : int
    numProblems : int

generate random LTL formulas (without propositional operators) and compute a satisfying and an unsatisfying model

rand : Random
withDet : bool
varL : string[]
length : int
numProblems : int

RandomSimulationExamples trProb rand varL numStates numProblems

Full Usage: RandomSimulationExamples trProb rand varL numStates numProblems

    trProb : float
    rand : Random
    varL : seq<string>
    numStates : int
    numProblems : int

generate a Latex file of (bi)simulation problems

trProb : float
rand : Random
varL : seq<string>
numStates : int
numProblems : int

RandomSymbolicPreSucExamples rand varL stLen trLen numProblems

Full Usage: RandomSymbolicPreSucExamples rand varL stLen trLen numProblems

    rand : Random
    varL : string list
    stLen : int
    trLen : int
    numProblems : int

rand : Random
varL : string list
stLen : int
trLen : int
numProblems : int

RandomThmLTL rand varL length numTheorems

Full Usage: RandomThmLTL rand varL length numTheorems

    rand : Random
    varL : string[]
    length : int
    numTheorems : int

generate a Latex file with randomly generated LTL theorems

rand : Random
varL : string[]
length : int
numTheorems : int