
ReactiveSynthesis Module

This module implements functions for solving parity games with Zielonka's algorithm.


Type Description


data type for storing parity games

Functions and values

Function or value Description

Attractor pg i phi

Full Usage: Attractor pg i phi

Returns: Set<int> * Set<int * int>

compute the i-attractor of a set of states phi in paritry game pg

pg : ParityGame
i : int
phi : Set<int>
Returns: Set<int> * Set<int * int>

AutomataSynthesisTool qscoll

Full Usage: AutomataSynthesisTool qscoll


The teaching tool for omega-automata synthesis.

qscoll : NameValueCollection

Automaton2MooreGame auto

Full Usage: Automaton2MooreGame auto

Returns: ParityGame * Map<int, string> * Map<(int * int), string>

Automaton2MooreGame converts an automaton to a parity game that aims at the synthesis of a Moore machine, i.e., outputs are determined by the state only. The ranks are determined in that accepting states get rank 1 while other states of the automaton have rank 0, and the intermediate states will have the rank of their source state.

auto : AutomatonExpl<string, string, int>
Returns: ParityGame * Map<int, string> * Map<(int * int), string>

BooleanUnificationTool qscoll

Full Usage: BooleanUnificationTool qscoll


The teaching tool for boolean unification.

qscoll : NameValueCollection

CopRobberGame rel (arg2, arg3, arg4)

Full Usage: CopRobberGame rel (arg2, arg3, arg4)

    rel : seq<int * int>
    arg1 : int
    arg2 : int
    arg3 : bool

Returns: Set<int> * Set<int * int * bool> * (int * int * bool)[] * Map<(int * int * bool), int> * ParityGame * Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[]

CopsAndRobber game: a cop and a robber are placed on an undirected graph and make alternating moves. Clearly, the cop aims at catching the robber and the robber wants to escape forever, so that we have a safety or liveness game. The game is also known as a video game called Pacman, and graphs that are cop-win graphs are well researched [AiFr84,GaTT18]. The function below is given the edge relation where only one direction between two vertices is sufficient, and the initial state (r,c,t) where r and c are the vertices where the robber and the cop are located at the beginning, and t is a boolean value that is true if the cop is making the next move. The function converts the graph to a game graph whose nodes are triples (r,c,t) like the initial state, and solves the game. The function returns a triple (pg,win,strat) where pg is the parity game and win[i] are the winning states of player i and finally strat[i] is the strategy of player i, where player 0 is the cop and player 1 is the robber.

rel : seq<int * int>
arg1 : int
arg2 : int
arg3 : bool
Returns: Set<int> * Set<int * int * bool> * (int * int * bool)[] * Map<(int * int * bool), int> * ParityGame * Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[]

CopRobberGameTool qscoll

Full Usage: CopRobberGameTool qscoll


This function is the teaching tool for the CopRobberGame; it reads the edge relation, and the initial state from a html form input, and uses function CopRobberGame to generate and solve the graph game. The tool then prints the solved graph game as svg graphics on the generated html page and prints also a transition relation for the graph game if viewed as a Kripke structure. The locations of the robber and cop are then binary encoded with boolean variables rN,...,r0 and cN,...,c0, resp.

qscoll : NameValueCollection

DetF2LivenessGame auto

Full Usage: DetF2LivenessGame auto

Returns: ParityGame * Map<int, string> * Map<(int * int), string>

DetF2LivenessGame converts a given DetF automaton to a LivenessGame where player 0 tries to reach accepting states, i.e., rank-1 states, and where player 1 tries to avoid these.

auto : AutomatonExpl<string, string, int>
Returns: ParityGame * Map<int, string> * Map<(int * int), string>

DetFG2ParityGame auto

Full Usage: DetFG2ParityGame auto

Returns: ParityGame * Map<int, string> * Map<(int * int), string>

DetFG2ParityGame converts a given DetFG automaton to a ParityGame where player 0 tries to visit from a certain point of time onwards only accepting states of the given DetFG automaton, and player 1 tries to infinitely often escape from these.

auto : AutomatonExpl<string, string, int>
Returns: ParityGame * Map<int, string> * Map<(int * int), string>

DetG2SafetyGame auto

Full Usage: DetG2SafetyGame auto

Returns: ParityGame * Map<int, string> * Map<(int * int), string>

DetG2SafetyGame converts a DetG automaton to a safety game where player 0 aims at exclusively using safe states (having rank 1), and where player 1 aims at reaching a rank-0 state.

auto : AutomatonExpl<string, string, int>
Returns: ParityGame * Map<int, string> * Map<(int * int), string>

DetGF2ParityGame auto

Full Usage: DetGF2ParityGame auto

Returns: ParityGame * Map<int, string> * Map<(int * int), string>

DetGF2ParityGame converts a given DetGF automaton to a ParityGame where player0 tries to infinitely often visit accepting states of the DetGF automaton, and player 1 tries to visit them only finitely often.

auto : AutomatonExpl<string, string, int>
Returns: ParityGame * Map<int, string> * Map<(int * int), string>


Full Usage: DiRu19

Returns: ParityGame

example of DiRu10:

Returns: ParityGame

Frie11 n

Full Usage: Frie11 n

    n : int

Returns: ParityGame

generic example from Frie11 where Frie11(n) recursively calls Frie11(n-1) and Frie11(n-2) to prove exponential runtime

n : int
Returns: ParityGame

ParityGame2Dot ostr stateLabel transLabel (win, strat) pg

Full Usage: ParityGame2Dot ostr stateLabel transLabel (win, strat) pg


writing a parity game as graphiz graph

ostr : TextWriter
stateLabel : Map<int, string>
transLabel : Map<(int * int), string>
win : Set<int>[]
strat : Set<int * int>[]
pg : ParityGame

ParityGameTool qscoll

Full Usage: ParityGameTool qscoll


The teaching tool for solving parity games.

qscoll : NameValueCollection

ParseParityGame s

Full Usage: ParseParityGame s

    s : string

Returns: ParityGame

parsing a parity game from a string; the syntax is explained by the following example: player0 3,4,5,6; player1 0,1,2,7; ranks 0:0; 1:1; 2:2; 3:3; 4:4; 5:5; 6:6; 7:8; transitions 0->1; 0->3; 1->4; 1->6; 2->0; 2->5; 3->2; 4->0; 4->1; 5->7; 6->1; 6->7; 7->2; 7->5;

s : string
Returns: ParityGame

Remove pg q

Full Usage: Remove pg q

Returns: ParityGame
pg : ParityGame
q : Set<int>
Returns: ParityGame

Restrict pg q

Full Usage: Restrict pg q

Returns: ParityGame
pg : ParityGame
q : Set<int>
Returns: ParityGame

SolveLivenessGame pg

Full Usage: SolveLivenessGame pg

Returns: Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[]

Solve a liveness game which is encoded as a parity game with ranks 1 for the states that must be reached by player 0 (liveness) and must be avoided by player 1 (safety).

pg : ParityGame
Returns: Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[]

SolveParityGame pg

Full Usage: SolveParityGame pg

Returns: Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[]

This function solves a given parity game by Zielonka's recursive algorithm. It returns a tuple (win,strat) where win[i] are the winning states of player i and strat[i] is the strategy of player i.

pg : ParityGame
Returns: Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[]

SolveSafetyGame pg

Full Usage: SolveSafetyGame pg

Returns: Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[]

Solve a safety game which is encoded as a parity game with ranks 1 for the safe states that must be exclusively used by player 0 (safety) and where player 1 tries to escape from.

pg : ParityGame
Returns: Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[]


Full Usage: Wiki

Returns: ParityGame

example of Wikipedia:

Returns: ParityGame

ZielonkaExplain gameNum pg

Full Usage: ZielonkaExplain gameNum pg

Returns: Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[] * (int * ParityGame * int * Set<int> * int * (Set<int> * Set<int * int>) * (Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[]) * (int * (Set<int> * Set<int * int>) * (Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[])) option * Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[]) list * int

This function solves a given parity game by Zielonka's recursive algorithm. It returns a tuple (win,st,traceL,gA) where win[i] are the winning states of player i, st[i] is the strategy of player i, traceL is a list of the recursive calls with detailed information of intermediate steps, and gA is the latest game number used in that list. The initial call requires a number gameNum which is the first number of these games.

gameNum : int
pg : ParityGame
Returns: Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[] * (int * ParityGame * int * Set<int> * int * (Set<int> * Set<int * int>) * (Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[]) * (int * (Set<int> * Set<int * int>) * (Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[])) option * Set<int>[] * Set<int * int>[]) list * int