// ************************************************************************** //
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//    eses                   eses                                             //
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//  eses    eseses  esesese    eses   Embedded Systems Group                  //
//  ese    ese  ese ese         ese                                           //
//  ese    eseseses eseseses    ese   Department of Computer Science          //
//  eses   eses          ese   eses                                           //
//   eses   eseses  eseseses  eses    University of Kaiserslautern            //
//    eses                   eses                                             //
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// ************************************************************************** //
// The module below implements an algorithm for comparing binary signed digit //
// numbers. It is based on the reduction x<y <-> x-y<0 and, the fact that z<0 //
// holds if and only if the leftmost nonzero digit is negative. Subtraction   //
// can be implemented with depth O(1), but checking the sign of the leftmost  //
// nonzero digit requires time O(log(N)).                                     //
// ************************************************************************** //

macro N = 4;

macro enc(x) = (x==-1 ? (true,false) : (x==0 ? (false,false) : (false,true)));
macro dec(x) = (x.0?-1:0) + (x.1?+1:0);
macro sdval(x,k) = sum(i=0..k-1) (dec(x[i]) * exp(2,i));
macro isSDnum(x,k) = forall(i=0..k-1) !(x[i].0 & x[i].1);

macro lin(i) = (i==0 ? false : lout[i-1]);
macro tin(i) = (i==0 ? (false,false) : tout[i-1]);

module SgnLes(event [N](bool*bool) ?x,?y, event ls) {
    event [N]bool w1,w2,w3,w4,w,u1,u0;
    event [N]bool lout;
    event [N](bool*bool) tout;
    event [N+1]bool lss;
    event [N+1](bool*bool) s;

    loop {
        for(i=0..N-1) {
            w1[i] = !x[i].0 & !x[i].1 & y[i].0;
            w2[i] = !x[i].0 & !x[i].1 & y[i].1;
            w3[i] = !y[i].1 & !y[i].0 & x[i].1;
            w4[i] = !y[i].1 & !y[i].0 & x[i].0;
            w[i]  = w1[i] | w2[i] | w3[i] | w4[i];
            u1[i] = !lin(i) & w[i];
            u0[i] =  lin(i) & w[i];
            lout[i]   = x[i].0 | y[i].1;
            tout[i].0 = x[i].0 & y[i].1 |  lin(i) & (w2[i] | w4[i]);
            tout[i].1 = x[i].1 & y[i].0 | !lin(i) & (w1[i] | w3[i]);
            s[i].0 = tin(i).0 & !u0[i] | u1[i] & !tin(i).1;
            s[i].1 = tin(i).1 & !u1[i] | u0[i] & !tin(i).0;
        s[N].0 = tout[N-1].0;
        s[N].1 = tout[N-1].1;
        // the following has depth O(N), but could be done with depth O(log(N))
            let(sneg =  s[i].0 & !s[i].1)
            let(spos = !s[i].0 &  s[i].1)
                lss[i] = (sneg ? true : (spos ? false : (i==0 ? false : lss[i-1])));
        ls = lss[N];
        assert(isSDnum(x,N) & isSDnum(y,N) -> (ls <-> (sdval(x,N) < sdval(y,N)) ) );
drivenby {
    nat{exp(2,2*N+1)} i,j;
    bv{2*N} vi,vj;
    // enumerate all possible bitvectors for x and y to check the assertion
    do {
        vi = nat2bv(i,2*N);
        for(k=0..N-1) {
            x[k].0 = vi{2*k};
            x[k].1 = vi{2*k+1};
        // enumerate all bitvectors for y
        do {
            next(j) = j+1;
            for(k=0..N-1) {
                y[k].0 = vj{2*k};
                y[k].1 = vj{2*k+1};
            vj = nat2bv(j,2*N);
        } while(j<exp(2,2*N));
        vj = nat2bv(j,2*N);
        next(i) = i+1;
        next(j) = 0;
   } while(i<exp(2,2*N)); 