// ************************************************************************** //
//                                                                            //
//    eses                   eses                                             //
//   eses                     eses                                            //
//  eses    eseses  esesese    eses   Embedded Systems Group                  //
//  ese    ese  ese ese         ese                                           //
//  ese    eseseses eseseses    ese   Department of Computer Science          //
//  eses   eses          ese   eses                                           //
//   eses   eseses  eseseses  eses    University of Kaiserslautern            //
//    eses                   eses                                             //
//                                                                            //
// ************************************************************************** //
// The following module implements a FIFO with interruptible-safe enqueue and //
// dequeue operations (see [ScHL99,SSSS00]). Even though these operations are //
// not atomic, they are implemented in a way that allows interruptions by     //
// other enqueue and dequeue operations with higher priorities without loosing//
// the consistency of the data structure.                                     //
//   The FIFO buffer consists of objects that contain a data value "val" of   //
// type nat{V} and a pointer "nxt" to the next value. Thus it is essentially  //
// a single-linked list. The objects are taken from a heap that additionally  //
// maintains a boolean flag "bsy" in these objects that is true iff the object//
// is currently used in the FIFO. Since the heap has "size" many elements, all//
// pointers have type nat{size}. If a new element is required, we can simply  //
// choose one having a bsy-flag that is false.                                //
//   In addition to the single-linked list, the FIFO buffer also maintains a  //
// variable "tl" that holds the address of the last element in the FIFO, so   //
// that enqueue operations can be implemented efficiently. In general, there  //
// is the problem to decide where this variable points to for empty FIFOs.    //
// There are several ways to handle this (see the other FIFO example where a  //
// boolean variable isEmpty is used). In the implementation below, the heap   //
// element with address 0 is not used for the FIFO, i.e., its "val" field is  //
// unused, and its nxt-pointer points to the first element of the FIFO if     //
// there is one, otherwise it may have any value. If the FIFO is empty, then  //
// tl=0 holds, and 0 is not a valid object. Otherwise, tl>0 points to the last//
// element in the FIFO. While this implementation wastes an object, it has the//
// advantage that there is no need to distinguish between empty and non-empty //
// FIFOs in the enqueue operation.                                            //
//                                                                            //
//                                                                            //
// ----------------------------------------                                   //
//   Interruptible-safe Enqueue Operation                                     //
// ----------------------------------------                                   //
//                                                                            //
// Enqueuing element e atomically requires the following sequential code:     //
//                                                                            //
//    1: heap[tl].nxt = e                                                     //
//    2: tl = e                                                               //
//                                                                            //
// However, if this sequential code would be interrupted between instruction  //
// (1) and (2), the entire queue data structure would become inconsistent. We //
// therefore implement it by the following sequential code:                   //
//                                                                            //
//    1: last = tl;                                                           //
//    2: tl = e;                                                              //
//    3: while(heap[last].nxt!=nil) {                                         //
//    4:     last = heap[last].nxt;                                           // 
//    5: }                                                                    //
//    6: heap[last].nxt = e;                                                  //  
//                                                                            //
// The main difference is that we exchanged the previous assignments. To solve//
// the thereby introduced write-after-read conflict on variable tl, we store  //
// the given tl pointer in an additional variable last. This implementation is//
// interrupt-safe: If enqueue operations interrupt after line 1, then "last"  //
// no longer points to the tail of the queue. Instead, it then points to an   //
// element inside the queue, and this is sufficient to restore it before using//
// it: If line 2 is executed, e becomes the tail of the queue even though the //
// previous tail element does not yet point to e. However, all further enqueue//
// operations that interrupt from now on, will only extend the new tail e, and//
// will not interfere with the part between the element where last points to  //
// and e. Thus, we can now restore "last" by the loop in lines 3-5 so that we //
// find the last element enqueued between the execution of line 1 and 2. Then,//
// we can safely execute line 6 to make the FIFO consistent.                  //
// ************************************************************************** //

// size parameters of the benchmark
macro size = 6;     // size of the heap, i.e. maximal size of queue
macro enqP = 4;     // maximal number of interleaved enqueue processes
macro deqP = 4;     // maximal number of interleaved dequeue processes
macro V    = 10;    // values in the queue have type nat{V}

// macros for elements in the FIFO and the heap 
macro val = 0;      // value of a heap element
macro nxt = 1;      // next pointer of a heap element
macro bsy = 2;      // next pointer of a heap element
macro null(x) = x==0;    // test whether a next pointer is null
macro malloc(i) = (i==0 ? 0 : (heap[i].bsy ? malloc(i-1) : i));
macro new = malloc(size-1);
macro hd = 0;

module InterruptibleFIFO(nat{enqP+1} ?runP,nat{V} ?x,event !rdy) {
    [size](nat{V} * nat{size+1} * bool) heap;
    nat{size} tl;

    // initialize heap
    tl = 0;
    for(i=0..size-1) {
        heap[i].val = 0;
        heap[i].nxt = 0;
        heap[i].bsy = false;

    // invoke the interleaved enqueue processes
    for(i=0..enqP-1) do || {
        w: await(runP==i);
        suspend {
            nat{size} e,last;           // local pointers to elements
            e = new;                    // get a free heap element
            next(heap[e].bsy) = true;   // make this element unavailable
            next(heap[e].val) = x;      // store the value in occupied element e
            next(heap[e].nxt) = 0;      // set the nxt pointer to nil
            e1: pause;                      
            // here comes the code of interruptible enqueue
            last = tl;                  // safe the tl current pointer  
            e2: pause;                      
            tl = e;                     // redirect tl to the new element e
            e3: pause;                       
            while(heap[last].nxt!=0) {  // restore variable last
                e4: pause;
                next(last) = heap[last].nxt;  // follow the further enqueued elements
                e5: pause;
            e6: pause;
            heap[last].nxt = e;         // redirect pointer of last element to e
            e7: pause;
        } when(runP>i);
drivenby {
    pause; // for initializing the heap
    // start all enqueue processes with variable delays
    for(i=0..enqP-1) {
        x = i+2;
        runP = i;
            d1: pause;
    // wait until a process terminates, 
    for(i=1..enqP-1) {
        d2: await(rdy);
        next(runP) = runP-1;
    d3: await(rdy);