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//    eses                   eses                                             //
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//  eses    eseses  esesese    eses   Embedded Systems Group                  //
//  ese    ese  ese ese         ese                                           //
//  ese    eseseses eseseses    ese   Department of Computer Science          //
//  eses   eses          ese   eses                                           //
//   eses   eseses  eseseses  eses    University of Kaiserslautern            //
//    eses                   eses                                             //
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// MergeSortBitonic implements Batcher's MergeSort algorithm using bitonic    //
// mergers [Batc68]. As can be seen, only for-loops are used, so that this    //
// algorithm directly implements a sorting network with depth                 //
// log(N)*(log(N)+1)/2 and N*log(N)*(log(N)+1)/4 compare/exchange operations. //
// Using its full parallelism (with N processors), sorting can be done in time//
// O(log^2(N)), while a sequential implementation requires O(Nlog^2(N)) and is//
// thus slower than MergeSort.                                                //
// ************************************************************************** //

macro aSize = 16;
macro iSize = 64;

module MergeSortBitonic([aSize]int{iSize} ?a,b, event !ready) {
    // gather the inputs
        b[i] = a[i];

    // perform log(aSize) in-place merging phases of partitions
    // b[2*p*L..(2*p+1)*L-1] and b[(2*p+1)*L..(2*p+2)*L-1] of length
    // L=exp(2,l)

    for(l=0..log(aSize)-1) {
        // the first column of half-cleaners rotates the second sequence
        for(p=0..(aSize/L-2)/2) {
                if(b[left+k]>b[right-k]) {
                    next(b[left+k]) = b[right-k];
                    next(b[right-k]) = b[left+k];
        w1: pause;

        // next columns of half-cleaners consider partitions of 
        // lengths exp(2,l-1),...,exp(2,0)
        for(d=1..l) {
            let(L = exp(2,l-d))
            for(p=0..(aSize/L-2)/2) {
                // half cleaner for b[2*p*L..(2*p+1)*L-1] and b[(2*p+1)*L..(2*p+2)*L-1]
                for(k=0..L-1) {
                    if(b[left+k]>b[right+k]) {
                        next(b[left+k]) = b[right+k];
                        next(b[right+k]) = b[left+k];
            w2: pause;
drivenby Test01 {
    for(i=0..aSize-1) a[i] = i;
    dw: await(ready);
    for(i=0..aSize-1) assert(b[i] == i);
drivenby Test02 {
    for(i=0..aSize-1) a[i] = aSize-1-i;
    dw: await(ready);
    for(i=0..aSize-1) assert(b[i] == i);
drivenby Test03 {
        a[i] = ((i%2==0)?i:((aSize%2==0)?aSize-i:aSize-1-i));
    dw: await(ready);
    for(i=0..aSize-1) assert(b[i] == i);