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//    eses                   eses                                             //
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//  eses    eseses  esesese    eses   Embedded Systems Group                  //
//  ese    ese  ese ese         ese                                           //
//  ese    eseseses eseseses    ese   Department of Computer Science          //
//  eses   eses          ese   eses                                           //
//   eses   eseses  eseseses  eses    University of Kaiserslautern            //
//    eses                   eses                                             //
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// ShakerSort is a symmetric version of BubbleSort. BubbleSort has the        //
// disadvantage that small elements on the right of the sequence move         //
// slowly towards the left (thus they are called turtles), while large        //
// elements on the left move rapidly to the right (thus they are called       //
// rabbits). ShakerSort therefore first bubbles the maximum of the            //
// still unsorted sequence to the right, and then the minimum to the left.    //
// ************************************************************************** //

macro aSize = 16;
macro iSize = 64;

module ShakerSort([aSize]int{iSize} ?a,b, event !ready) {
    nat{aSize+1} i,j;
    bool swapped;
    event sorted;
        b[i] = a[i];
    i = 0;
    j = 1;
    weak abort {
        loop {
            next(swapped) = false;
            w0: pause;
            // bubbling up the max. of b[i..N-(i+1)]
            j = i;
            while(j<aSize-(i+2)) {
                if(b[j] > b[j+1]) {
                    next(b[j]) = b[j+1];
                    next(b[j+1]) = b[j];
                    next(swapped) = true;
                next(j) = j+1;
                w1: pause;
            if(b[j] > b[j+1]) {
                next(b[j]) = b[j+1];
                next(b[j+1]) = b[j];
                next(swapped) = true;
            w2: pause;
            next(swapped) = false;
            if(!swapped) emit(sorted);
            next(j) = j-1;
            w3: pause;
            // now, b[N-(i+1)] is the max of b[i..N-(i+1)], thus
            // bubbling down the min. of b[i..N-(i+2)]
            while(j>i) {
                if(b[j] > b[j+1]) {
                    next(b[j]) = b[j+1];
                    next(b[j+1]) = b[j];
                    next(swapped) = true;
                next(j) = j-1;
                w4: pause;
            if(b[j] > b[j+1]) {
                next(b[j]) = b[j+1];
                next(b[j+1]) = b[j];
                next(swapped) = true;
            w5: pause;
            next(i) = i+1;
            next(swapped) = false;
            if(!swapped) emit(sorted);
    } when(sorted);
drivenby Test01 {
    for(i=0..aSize-1) a[i] = i;
    dw: await(ready);
    for(i=0..aSize-1) assert(b[i] == i);
drivenby Test02 {
    for(i=0..aSize-1) a[i] = aSize-1-i;
    dw: await(ready);
    for(i=0..aSize-1) assert(b[i] == i);
drivenby Test03 {
        a[i] = ((i%2==0)?i:((aSize%2==0)?aSize-i:aSize-1-i));
    dw: await(ready);
    for(i=0..aSize-1) assert(b[i] == i);