// ************************************************************************** //
//                                                                            //
//    eses                   eses                                             //
//   eses                     eses                                            //
//  eses    eseses  esesese    eses   Embedded Systems Group                  //
//  ese    ese  ese ese         ese                                           //
//  ese    eseseses eseseses    ese   Department of Computer Science          //
//  eses   eses          ese   eses                                           //
//   eses   eseses  eseseses  eses    University of Kaiserslautern            //
//    eses                   eses                                             //
//                                                                            //
// ************************************************************************** //
// filename:    ./ComputerArchitecture/AsynchronousCircuits/Cogar.qrz         //
// author:      Manuel Gesell                                                 //
//                                                                            //
// description:                                                               //
// The following describes an asynchronous queue cell patented by             //
// Cogar in 1965. The circuits is implemented by a dual rail encoding,        //
// i.e. the input and output data that is forwarded through the queue         //
// is encoded by two boolean wires (in1,in0) and (out1,out0), respectively.   //
// Moreover, there is a "transfer and hold" (TH) wire and a "transfer         //
// and clear" (TC) wire running in opposite direction to the data wires.      //
// A high value on TC signals that the cell is actually empty and may         //
// receive data from the cell on its left when TH goes low again.             //
// The example has been taken from the following reference:                   //
//                                                                            //
// @inproceedings{BrCD86,                                                     //
//   key         ={BrCD86},                                                   //
//   author      ={M.C. Browne and E.M. Clarke and D.L. Dill},                //
//   title       ={Automatic Circuit Verification Using Temporal              //
//         Logic: Two New Examples},                                          //
//   booktitle   ={Formal Aspects of {VLSI} Design},                          //
//   address     ={Amsterdam},                                                //
//   editor      ={G.J. Milne and P.A. Subrahmanyam},                         //
//   publisher   ={North Holland},                                            //
//   pages       ={113-124},                                                  //
//   year        ={1986}                                                      //
// }                                                                          //
// ************************************************************************** //

macro InputStable1 = ((in0 <-> X in0) & (in1 <-> X in1));
macro InputStable2 = ((thr <-> X thr) & (tcr <-> X tcr));
macro InputStable = (InputStable1 & InputStable2);

macro WiresStable1 = ((X a <-> a) & (X b <-> b) &  (X c <-> c));
macro WiresStable2 = ((X d <-> d) & (X e <-> e) &  (X f <-> f));
macro WiresStable = ((X g <-> g) & WiresStable1 & WiresStable2);

macro DATA_ONE = ( a & !b & !c);
macro DATA_ZERO = (!a &  b & !c);
macro DATA_NONE = (!a & !b &  c);
macro DATA_UNDEF = (!a & !b & !c);

macro SIGNAL_ONE = ( out1 & !out0);
macro SIGNAL_ZERO = (!out1 &  out0);
macro SIGNAL_NONE = (!out1 & !out0);

macro DATA_OSCILLATE1 = (!a & !b & !c -> X( a &  b &  c));
macro DATA_OSCILLATE2 = ( a &  b &  c -> X(!a & !b & !c));

macro SIGNAL_OSCILLATE1 = (!d & !e -> X( d &  e));
macro SIGNAL_OSCILLATE2 = ( d &  e -> X(!d & !e));

macro HOLD1(phi) = (phi);
macro HOLD2(phi) = (phi & X HOLD1(phi));
macro HOLD3(phi) = (phi & X HOLD2(phi));
macro HOLD4(phi) = (phi & X HOLD3(phi));
macro HOLD5(phi) = (phi & X HOLD4(phi));
macro HOLD6(phi) = (phi & X HOLD5(phi));

module Cogar (bool ?in0,?in1,?thr,?tcr,
                   a,b,c,d,e,f,g) {
    // bool a,b,c,d,e,f,g;
    choose a=true; else a=false;
    choose b=true; else b=false;
    choose c=true; else c=false;
    choose d=true; else d=false;
    choose e=true; else e=false;
    choose f=true; else f=false;
    choose g=true; else g=false;
    loop {
        next(a) = !(in0 | b | c | g);
        next(b) = !(in1 | a | c | g);
        next(c) = !(in0 | in1 | a | b);
        next(d) = !(in0 | in1 | b | c | e | f | thr);
        next(e) = !(in0 | in1 | a | c | d | f | thr);
        next(f) = !(d | e | tcr);
        next(g) = !(f | tcr);
        out0 = e;
        out1 = d;
        thl  = g;
        tcl  = c;
} satisfies {
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // determine all stable states
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    StableStates :
        assert A (F G WiresStable ->
                    F G (DATA_ONE   & SIGNAL_ONE)  |
                    F G (DATA_ZERO  & SIGNAL_ZERO) |
                    F G (DATA_ONE   & SIGNAL_NONE) |
                    F G (DATA_ZERO  & SIGNAL_NONE) |
                    F G (DATA_NONE  & SIGNAL_NONE) |
                    F G (DATA_UNDEF & SIGNAL_NONE) );

    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // verify the length of the critical path
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    critical_path :
        assert A G(G InputStable
                   -> (F G WiresStable <-> X X X X X X G WiresStable));

    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // inhibit output data when new input arrives
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    InhibitOutputWhenNewInput :
        assert A G (in0 | in1 -> X SIGNAL_NONE);

    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // inhibit output when right neighbor sends clear command
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    InhibitOutputWhenClearCommand :
        assert A G (thr -> X SIGNAL_NONE);

    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // receive new data and inhibit output signals
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    NewDataOneWhenNewInput :
        assert A (F G (!in0 &  in1 & (X tcr <-> tcr))
                  -> F G (SIGNAL_NONE & DATA_ONE & !thl & !tcl));

    NewDataZeroWhenNewInput :
        assert A (F G (in0 & !in1 & (X tcr <-> tcr))
                  -> F G (SIGNAL_NONE & DATA_ZERO & !thl & !tcl));

    NewDataUndefWhenNewInput :
        assert A (F G (in0 &  in1 & (X tcr <-> tcr))
                  -> F G (SIGNAL_NONE & DATA_UNDEF & !thl & !tcl));

    NewDataNoneWhenNewInput :
        assert A (F G (!in0 & !in1 & (X tcr <-> tcr) & (X thr <-> thr))
                  -> F G (SIGNAL_OSCILLATE & DATA_OSCILLATE)
                  | F G (SIGNAL_NONE & DATA_OSCILLATE)
                  | F G (SIGNAL_NONE & DATA_NONE));

    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // we repeat the above specs with quantitative time
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    NewDataOneWhenNewInput4Cycles :
        assert A G( G (!in0 &  in1 & (X tcr <-> tcr))
                    -> X X X X G (SIGNAL_NONE & DATA_ONE & !thl & !tcl));

    NewDataZeroWhenNewInput4Cycles :
        assert A G( G ( in0 & !in1 & (X tcr <-> tcr))
                    -> X X X X G (SIGNAL_NONE & DATA_ZERO & !thl & !tcl));

    NewDataUndefWhenNewInput4Cycles :
        assert A G( G ( in0 &  in1 & (X tcr <-> tcr))
                    -> X X X X G (SIGNAL_NONE & DATA_UNDEF & !thl & !tcl));

    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // store existing data
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    StoreDataOne :
        assert A G (!in0 & !in1 & !thl & DATA_ONE -> X DATA_ONE);

    StoreDataZero :
        assert A G (!in0 & !in1 & !thl & DATA_ZERO -> X DATA_ZERO);

    StoreDataNone :
        assert A G (!in0 & !in1 & !thl & DATA_NONE -> X DATA_NONE);

    StoreWhenNoNewData :
        assert A (F G (!in0 & !in1)
                  -> F G ((DATA_ONE  -> X DATA_ONE) &
                          (DATA_ZERO -> X DATA_ZERO) &
                          (DATA_NONE -> X DATA_NONE)));

    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // send local data to output signals
    // ----------------------------------------------------

    //     ExposeDataOne:
    //  assert A ( SIGNAL_NONE & DATA_ONE &
    //      F G(!in0 & !in1 & !thr & tcr)
    //      -> [(SIGNAL_NONE & DATA_ONE) SU (SIGNAL_ONE & DATA_ONE)]);

    //     ExposeDataZero:
    //  assert A ( SIGNAL_NONE & DATA_ZERO &
    //      F G(!in0 & !in1 & !thr & tcr)