
BddNode Type

BDD nodes consist of an index that is mapped via Index2BoolExpr to a boolean expression, two BDD addresses that are the addresses of the positive and negative cofactors, and an optional BDD address that is used to chain all BddNodes with the same indices (the head of this chain is given by IndexHead[this.idx]

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: idx

Field type: AtomIndex
Modifiers: mutable

Field type: AtomIndex


Full Usage: neg

Field type: BddAdr
Modifiers: mutable

Field type: BddAdr


Full Usage: nxt

Field type: BddAdr option
Modifiers: mutable

Field type: BddAdr option


Full Usage: pos

Field type: BddAdr
Modifiers: mutable

Field type: BddAdr