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StateOfDPN Type

The state of a DPN obtained in a simulation run is a tuple of the form (step,nodesToFire,bufEnv,memEnv) where step is the number of the step executed, nodesToFire is the set of nodes that were fired, bufEnv is the content of the buffers, and memEnv is the state of the global memory that holds the values of the arrays.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Item1

Returns: int
Returns: int


Full Usage: this.Item2

Returns: Set<int>
Returns: Set<int>


Full Usage: this.Item3

Returns: Map<string, int list>
Returns: Map<string, int list>


Full Usage: this.Item4

Returns: Map<(string * int), int>
Returns: Map<(string * int), int>

Type something to start searching.