DataflowProcessNetworks Module
This module implements the core of a translation of MiniC programs to equivalent dataflow graphs which are also known as dataflow process networks. The possible nodes of these dataflow graphs are defined in DataflowProcess and a dataflow graph is of type DataflowProcessNetwork. The most important function is MiniC2DPN for translating MiniC programs to DPNs. DPNs can be levelized by LevelizeDPN, and MinimumNumberOfVertexDisjointPathsDPN computes a minimal number of vertex-disjoint paths for an optimal parallel execution time where each vertex-disjoint path becomes a thread.
Type | Description |
Instructions of dataflow programs correspond with the nodes of the corresponding dataflow graph. Hence, the nodes essentially encode an operation encoded as DataflowProcess. If it is none, it refers to an output node (that we have to add explicitly here). Moreover, we have to encode the potential two successor edges of the dataflow graph which is done by outL,argL and outR,argR which contain the addresses of the successor instructions and the argument index where the generated values will be sent to. |
The type DataflowProcess contains the possible kinds of nodes that may appear in a dataflow process network. See type DataflowProcessNetwork for the dataflow process network itself. Note that Select and Switch nodes are used in a vector form, where the inputs/outputs y,x1,x0 and y1,y0,x are vectors of the same length n. Note that we do not use types for the data tokens, since we consider DPNs as an intermediate program representation like 3-address code. Hence, all tokens are bitvectors that may be interpreted as radix-2 or 2-complement numbers by the nodes. |
The type DataflowProcessNetwork describes an entire dataflow graph. |
tokens of the data flow programs have tags (since edges are not FIFO buffers), they refer to the instruction with address adr and are the argument number arg of that instruction. Finally, data is the data value carried by the token. |
Type EquationDPN describes a dataflow proces node with its input and output buffers, i.e., a triple (yL,op,xL) with input buffers xL, DataflowProcess op, and output buffers yL. |
defines different kinds of processing units to handle DPN processes (see function ProcUnitKindOfDataflowProcess) |
The state of a DPN obtained in a simulation run is a tuple of the form (step,nodesToFire,bufEnv,memEnv) where step is the number of the step executed, nodesToFire is the set of nodes that were fired, bufEnv is the content of the buffers, and memEnv is the state of the global memory that holds the values of the arrays. |
Functions and values
Function or value | Description |
Full Usage:
ComputeLevelsASAP dpn
Returns: Map<string, int> * Map<int, int> * int
To compute the levels of buffers and nodes, we proceed as follows: We first start with the input buffers and output buffers of constant nodes which are assigned level 0, and its consumer nodes are the nodes that are to be assigned a level next which are stored in nextNodesToSchedule. The procedure then picks nodes of nextNodesToSchedule to check whether all of its input buffers were assigned levels. If not, the node is removed from nextNodesToSchedule and will enter this set again once one of the further input buffers will be assigned a level. If all input buffers are assigned levels, the node is given the maximum of the levels of its input buffers plus one. If it is a SEL/SWT node, it is then put into the set nextNodesSelSwt since these are the borders of basic blocks. Otherwise, its output buffers are assigned levels, and their consumers are put in nextNodesToSchedule. If nextNodesToSchedule becomes empty, a node from nextNodesSelSwt is picked, and its output buffers are assigned a level, and its consumers are put in nextNodesToSchedule. If the node is a Switch node, however, we first only put the nodes of first half of output buffers in the set, and after that, the second set. The leveling procedure terminates when both the set nextNodesToSchedule and also nextNodesSelSwt became empty.
Full Usage:
ComputeStatistics beQuiet nodLevel maxNodLevel dpnLeveled
nodLevel : Map<int, int>
maxNodLevel : int
dpnLeveled : DataflowProcessNetwork
Returns: int * int * int * int * int * int * int * int * int
Compute some statistics for a leveled DPN; if beQuiet is false, these values are also printed to stdout. The result is a tuple containing the number of nodes numNodes, the number of buffers numBufs, the number of levels numLevels, the number of Copy nodes numC, the number of Dup nodes numD, the number of Swap nodes numS, the number of Join nodes numJ, the number of Kill nodes numK, and the number of operation nodes (MonOp and BinOp).
Full Usage:
CreateDPN name inBuf outBuf loopInit arrDecls nodes
inBuf : Set<string>
outBuf : Set<string>
loopInit : Set<string>
arrDecls : Map<string, TypeC>
nodes : EquationDPN[]
Returns: DataflowProcessNetwork
CreateDPN creates a new dpn given its name, input/output buffers, buffers to initialize and the array of nodes. The rest is automatically derived from the nodes array, i.e., the dataflow equations. Note that buffers having no producer have to be inputs, and that buffers having no consumer have to be outputs. However, the converse is false since we may read and write the same variable. Hence, we have to explicitly give inBuf and outBuf as arguments.
Full Usage:
DPN2DataflowProgram dpn
Returns: DataflowInstruction[]
This function translates a given dataflow process network to the related dataflow program. For each node of the dataflow process network, there is a related instruction. Additionally, for each output port, there is a corresponding instruction to distinguish input and output ports (which could otherwise result in nonterminating computations).
Full Usage:
DPN2Dot ostr dpn optNodeOrd optEnv optEdgeSet
dpn : DataflowProcessNetwork
optNodeOrd : int list[] option
optEnv : (int * Set<int> * Map<string, int list> * Map<(string * int), int>) option
optEdgeSet : Set<int * int> option
Write dataflow process network in graphviz format to a stream ostr. For a leveled DPN, the function may be given an optional node ordering such that nodeOrd[i] is a sorted list of the nodes of level i. For simulation traces, it may be given an optional environment (step,nodesToFire,bufEnv,memEnv) such that it prints the content of the FIFO buffers as labels attached to the related edges. Finally, an set of edges may be given as an optional argument which are then drawn as thicker lines.
Full Usage:
DPN2SchedulingProblem rtMap dpn
ProcUnitKind -> int
dpn : DataflowProcessNetwork
Returns: SchedulingProblem
mapping a DPN to a scheduling problem with the help of a function rtMap that determines for each kind of PU the worst case execution time
Full Usage:
FireNode instr tk tkMatch
tk : DataflowToken
tkMatch : Set<DataflowToken>
Returns: Set<DataflowToken> * Set<DataflowToken> * Set<DataflowToken>
This function is called with a token tk that shall be consumed by the dataflow instruction instr and that matches with the tokens in tkMatch. The function fires the node and returns (tkCons,tkProd,tkOut) containing the sets of consumed, produced and output tokens.
Full Usage:
LevelizeDPN inLevel outLevel dpn
outLevel : bool
dpn : DataflowProcessNetwork
Returns: DataflowProcessNetwork * Map<string, int> * Map<int, int> * int
LevelizeBasicBlockDPN adds copy nodes on the edges of the given DPN such that all incoming edges of a node have the same level (max distance to an input or constant node). Parameter inLevel and outLevel enforce that all inputs are put in level zero and that all outputs are put in the maximal level, respectively. Recall that the level of a node is the maximum of the levels of its incoming buffers, and that the level of its outgoing buffers are the level of the node. The levels are determined by function ComputeLevelsASAP.
This DPN is a leveled DPN that requires for any node/buffer orders at least two processing units. The DPN has been found by an exhaustive search and showed that also leveled DPNs may required more than one PU.
Full Usage:
MiniC2DPN syncCtrl mcp
mcp : MiniCProgram
Returns: DataflowProcessNetwork array
MiniC2DPN translates a given MiniC program to an equivalent DPN. The details of this translation are published in Schn21a and Schn21b. Each thread of the MiniC program generates its own DPN whose input buffers are the global variables read by the thread and whose outputs are the global variables written by the thread. Read and written applies also to globally declared arrays, but these are not read and written as a whole; instead, the DPN will contain load/store nodes to access them.
Full Usage:
MiniC2DPNinGraphViz syncCtrl dirName name miniCfilename
dirName : string
name : string
miniCfilename : string
Parse a MiniC program from string miniCfilename and write the DPNs generated for its threads as graphviz files in directory dirName. The MiniC program itself is also written as a file in that directory with the given name. Parameter syncCtrl is the same as for MiniC2DPN.
Full Usage:
MinimumNumberOfVertexDisjointPathsDPN dpn
Returns: Set<int * int> * Set<int list>
Compute a minimal number of vertex-disjoint paths that cover a given DPN. The function converts the DPN to a graph as expected by function MinimumNumberOfVertexDisjointPath and calls that function. The result is a pair (iedges,ipaths) where iedges is the set of selected edges, and ipaths is the set of vertex-disjoint paths.
This function computes a special DPN called the Rainbow graph which is alternatively obtained by a MiniC program for y=(x+1)*...*(x+n). It therefore must generate n copies of the input value x, must then add constants 1,...,n to these values, and must then multiply the results. It can be proved that the graph must contain for any order of the nodes a rainbow (crossing) of at least sqrt(n-1) nodes so that it requires an unbounded number of processing units (queues).
Full Usage:
OptimizeKillCopyNodes dpn
Returns: DataflowProcessNetwork
OptimizeKillCopyNodes repeatedly replaces nodes where all output buffers are consumed by Kill nodes with Kill nodes themselves. Moreover, the function also removes all Copy nodes and directly connects their producer and consumer nodes.
Parse a DPN from a string. The given string may or may not contain labels of the form pn@PU[p] separated by symbol ":" that declares a name pn (currently without use) and an assignment to a processing unit PU[p] that maps this node to PU p. The function returns a pair (dpn,nodeAsg) where dpn is the DPN, and nodeAsg is a map that maps node i to PU nodeAsg[i]. If the given DPN string has no labels of nodes, nodeAsg is an empty map.
write dataflow process network to an output stream ostr
Full Usage:
PrintDataflowProgram ostr dpnP
dpnP : DataflowInstruction[]
print a dataflow program in text format to stream ostr
Full Usage:
PrintDataflowProgramHtml ostr dpnP
dpnP : DataflowInstruction[]
print a dataflow program in html to stream ostr
Full Usage:
PrintDataflowProgramLatex ostr dpnP
dpnP : DataflowInstruction[]
print a dataflow program in latex to stream ostr
Full Usage:
PrintTrace ostr dpn trace
dpn : DataflowProcessNetwork
trace : StateOfDPN list
print a given trace obtained by SimulateDPN for a given dpn to stream ostr
map dataflow processes to kinds of PU that will execute them
Full Usage:
SimulateDPN inMap dpn maxBufSize maxSteps
Map<string, int list>
dpn : DataflowProcessNetwork
maxBufSize : int
maxSteps : int
Returns: StateOfDPN list
simulate a dpn with initial values for its input buffers provided by the inMap argument. Nodes are only enabled if their output buffers do not exceed maxBufSize (so that also a maximal buffer size is respected) and the simulation stops after at most maxSteps to avoid nontermination. The result is a list of tuples (step,nodesToFire,bufEnv,memEnv) describing a state of the dpn where step is the number of the step executed, nodesToFire is the set of nodes that were fired, bufEnv is the content of the buffers, and memEnv is the state of the global memory that holds the values of the arrays.
Full Usage:
SimulateSequentialDataflowProcessor ostr maxSteps tokQ dpnP
maxSteps : int
tokQ : Set<DataflowToken>
dpnP : DataflowInstruction[]
Returns: (Set<DataflowToken> * Set<DataflowToken>) list
This function implements a simulator for a dataflow computer that executes programs of type DataflowInstruction[]. The inputs are given as a set of DataflowTokens that must also hold the initializations of loops. The program is executed until there are tokens left or until the maximal number of steps given in maxSteps is reached. The processor just picks the minimal token from tokQ and tries to fire the related node. If possible, the generated tokens are put into tokQ, otherwise, the fetched token is put into tokS until the other tokens required for firing will access them.
Full Usage:
SimulateTokenQueueDataflowProcessor ostr maxSteps firstN tokS dpnP
maxSteps : int
firstN : int
tokS : Set<DataflowToken>
dpnP : DataflowInstruction[]
Returns: (DataflowToken list * Set<DataflowToken>) list
This function implements a simulator for a dataflow computer that executes programs of type DataflowInstruction[] with a token queue and token store.
Full Usage:
SimulationTrace2DotFiles fileNameStub dpn trace
dpn : DataflowProcessNetwork
trace : StateOfDPN list
write a sequence of graphviz files for a simulation trace (one file for each state in the simulation trace)
Full Usage:
SimulationTrace2PDF fileNameStub dpn trace
dpn : DataflowProcessNetwork
trace : StateOfDPN list
Write a sequence of graphviz files, convert them to pdf and join the generated pdf files into a single pdf file. After this, the generated graphviz files and their corresponding pdf files are removed.
Full Usage:
WriteDPN2Dotfile filename dpn optOrd optEnv optEdges
dpn : DataflowProcessNetwork
optOrd : int list[] option
optEnv : (int * Set<int> * Map<string, int list> * Map<(string * int), int>) option
optEdges : Set<int * int> option
Write a dataflow process network dpn to a file in graphviz format where the optional arguments optOrd (for a node ordering), optEnv (for values of the buffers), and optEdges (for highlighting certain edges) described in the specification of function DPN2Dot are used.
Full Usage:
WritePackageCAL dirName
Write a CAL package (should be the given directory) that contains the kinds of DPN nodes implemented as CAL actors.
write a DPN to CAL format as an XDF file
write a node as a CAL actor to stream ostr; LD and ST are missing!
print a simulation trace in html
Full Usage:
printTokenSetsHtml ostr (tokS, tokQ)
tokS : DataflowToken seq
tokQ : DataflowToken seq
print a pair of token sets in html
Full Usage:
printTokenSetsLatex ostr (tokS, tokQ)
tokS : DataflowToken seq
tokQ : DataflowToken seq
print a pair of token sets in latex