
Utils Module


Type Description






Encapsulates a transformation which works on a AIF.SystemPart


Encapsulates a transformation which works on a AIF.AIFSystem

Functions and values

Function or value Description

BottomUpFolding basicFolding

Full Usage: BottomUpFolding basicFolding

Returns: ExprFolding<'a>

basicFolding : BasicExprFolding<'a>
Returns: ExprFolding<'a>

BottomUpMapping m

Full Usage: BottomUpMapping m

Returns: ExprMapping

full map pattern : the user specifies functions that map expressions to expression of the same type,the pattern starts at the leafs maps them and then applies it up the tree

m : ExprMapping
Returns: ExprMapping

ChainSystemPartTrans name iface transL

Full Usage: ChainSystemPartTrans name iface transL

Returns: SystemPartTrans

name : string
iface : 'a
transL : SystemPartTrans list
Returns: SystemPartTrans

ChainSystemTrans name transL

Full Usage: ChainSystemTrans name transL

Returns: SystemTrans

name : string
transL : seq<SystemTrans>
Returns: SystemTrans

CollectGrdActionsInBehavior actFn behavior

Full Usage: CollectGrdActionsInBehavior actFn behavior

Returns: Behavior

Applies the given function to all guarded actions of the given behavior. The resulting guarded action lists are concatenated to built the returned behavior.

actFn : GrdAction -> GrdAction list
behavior : Behavior
Returns: Behavior

CollectGrdActionsInSystemPart actFn part

Full Usage: CollectGrdActionsInSystemPart actFn part

Returns: SystemPart

Applies the given function to all guarded actions of the given part. The resulting guarded action lists are concatenated to built the returned part.

actFn : GrdAction -> GrdAction list
part : SystemPart
Returns: SystemPart

FoldExpr f expr

Full Usage: FoldExpr f expr

Returns: 'a

f : BasicExprFolding<'a>
expr : Expr
Returns: 'a

MapDrivers mapFn system

Full Usage: MapDrivers mapFn system

Returns: AIFSystem

Maps the driver parts of the given system by the given function

mapFn : Interface -> SystemPart -> SystemPart
system : AIFSystem
Returns: AIFSystem

MapExpr m expr

Full Usage: MapExpr m expr

Returns: Expr

m : ExprMapping
expr : Expr
Returns: Expr

MapExprsInGrdAction (mapGrdExpr, mapLhsExpr, mapRhsExpr) (arg4, arg5)

Full Usage: MapExprsInGrdAction (mapGrdExpr, mapLhsExpr, mapRhsExpr) (arg4, arg5)

Returns: 'b * Action

Maps all expressions of the guarded actions by the three given functions.

mapGrdExpr : 'a -> 'b
mapLhsExpr : LhsExpr -> LhsExpr
mapRhsExpr : Expr -> Expr
arg3 : 'a
arg4 : Action
Returns: 'b * Action

MapExprsInSystemPart mapExpr iface part

Full Usage: MapExprsInSystemPart mapExpr iface part

Returns: SystemPart

mapExpr : Expr -> Expr
iface : Interface
part : SystemPart
Returns: SystemPart

MapGrdActionsInBehavior actFn behavior

Full Usage: MapGrdActionsInBehavior actFn behavior

Returns: Behavior

Applies the given function to all guarded actions of the given behavior. The resulting guarded actions builts the returned behavior.

actFn : GrdAction -> GrdAction
behavior : Behavior
Returns: Behavior

MapMainSystemPart mapFn system

Full Usage: MapMainSystemPart mapFn system

Returns: AIFSystem

Maps the main part of the given system by the given function

mapFn : Interface -> SystemPart -> SystemPart
system : AIFSystem
Returns: AIFSystem

MapObservers mapFn system

Full Usage: MapObservers mapFn system

Returns: AIFSystem

Maps the observer parts of the given system by the given function

mapFn : Interface -> SystemPart -> SystemPart
system : AIFSystem
Returns: AIFSystem

MapSpecExpr m expr

Full Usage: MapSpecExpr m expr

Returns: SpecExpr

m : ExprMapping
expr : SpecExpr
Returns: SpecExpr

MapSpecExprs mapExpr specs

Full Usage: MapSpecExprs mapExpr specs

Returns: Specification list

mapExpr : SpecExpr -> SpecExpr
specs : Specification list
Returns: Specification list

MapSpecExprsInProofGoal mapExpr pg

Full Usage: MapSpecExprsInProofGoal mapExpr pg

Returns: ProofGoal

mapExpr : SpecExpr -> SpecExpr
pg : ProofGoal
Returns: ProofGoal

MapSpecifications mapExpr system

Full Usage: MapSpecifications mapExpr system

Returns: AIFSystem

mapExpr : Specification list -> Specification list
system : AIFSystem
Returns: AIFSystem

MapSystemParts mapFn system

Full Usage: MapSystemParts mapFn system

Returns: AIFSystem

Maps all SystemParts of the given System by the given function

mapFn : Interface -> SystemPart -> SystemPart
system : AIFSystem
Returns: AIFSystem

MapSystemPartsInSpecifications obsFn specs

Full Usage: MapSystemPartsInSpecifications obsFn specs

Returns: Specification list

Maps all observers in the given specification list with the given function

obsFn : SystemPart -> SystemPart
specs : Specification list
Returns: Specification list

PartialTopDownMapping m

Full Usage: PartialTopDownMapping m

Returns: ExprMapping

break when found pattern : the user specifies functions that map expressions either to Some expression of the same type or to None, the recursive pattern invokes a recursive call for all its subexpressions in the latter case

m : PartialExprMapping
Returns: ExprMapping

SystemPartTrans2SystemTrans partTrans

Full Usage: SystemPartTrans2SystemTrans partTrans

Returns: SystemTrans

Converts a part transformation into a system transformation

partTrans : SystemPartTrans
Returns: SystemTrans

TopDownMapping m

Full Usage: TopDownMapping m

Returns: ExprMapping

full map pattern : the user specifies functions that map expressions to expression of the same type,the pattern starts at the leafs maps them and then applies it up the tree

m : ExprMapping
Returns: ExprMapping

TransSystem transs system

Full Usage: TransSystem transs system

Returns: AIFSystem

transs : seq<SystemTrans>
system : AIFSystem
Returns: AIFSystem

TransSystemPart transs iface part

Full Usage: TransSystemPart transs iface part

Returns: SystemPart

transs : SystemPartTrans list
iface : Interface
part : SystemPart
Returns: SystemPart


Full Usage: VarsTypeConsistent

Returns: SystemPartProperty

Returns: SystemPartProperty


Full Usage: log1

Returns: string -> unit

Returns: string -> unit


Full Usage: log2

Returns: string -> unit

Returns: string -> unit


Full Usage: log3

Returns: string -> unit

Returns: string -> unit