
SequentProofTree Type

type for sequent calculus proof trees; each node has either one, two or no successor nodes and consists of two sets of formulas. Moreover, each node is uniquely identified by an index. Leaf nodes are further separated into valid ones (NodeTrue) and invalid ones (NodeFalse).

Union cases

Union case Description
Item : int * Set<BoolExpr> * Set<BoolExpr> * SequentProofTree
Item : int * Set<BoolExpr> * Set<BoolExpr> * SequentProofTree * SequentProofTree

NodeFalse int * Set<BoolExpr> * Set<BoolExpr>

Full Usage: NodeFalse int * Set<BoolExpr> * Set<BoolExpr>

Item : int * Set<BoolExpr> * Set<BoolExpr>

NodeTrue int * Set<BoolExpr> * Set<BoolExpr>

Full Usage: NodeTrue int * Set<BoolExpr> * Set<BoolExpr>

Item : int * Set<BoolExpr> * Set<BoolExpr>